Adeziv Premium pentru lipirea placilor de polistiren sau vata minerala si realizarea stratului de armare cu plasa din fibra de sticla, la interiorul si exteriorul cladirilor. Se va utiliza pe suprafete suport cu aderenta la mortare pe baza de ciment. Caracteristici si beneficii: Rezista la ploaie, inghet si poluare atmosferica…
Tencuială decorativă pe bază de dispersie apoasă de răşini acrilice, agregate , pigmenţi şi aditivi cu aspect de praf de piatra , granulatie 1-1,2 mm. Caracteristici si beneficii: Rezista la ploaie, inghet si poluare atmosferica Permeabilitate la vapori Bune proprietati de uscare Protectie de durata a fatadelor Coeficient scazut de…
Distribution of famous brands and products
The diversified range of materials for construction finishes and interior design solutions, necessary to complete a construction: from usual products to special or professional products
Sipex Company offers a varied range of construction materials. Together with the best suppliers, we try to cover all the range of materials with quality products and we try to meet all the requirements whether they come from professionals or small tradesmen or end customers. We are always looking for new products and modern technologies
Technical support throughout the duration of the construction
We come to your aid with our specialists, who have a wealth of experience in the field of construction materials, during the execution of the works. We want to offer you optimal solutions for any problem encountered during construction, but also afterwards. We communicate with experts in the field: architects, engineers, suppliers and manufacturers, we inform ourselves and document permanently, to help you solve the problems encountered and we offer the presence of our technical support on site, to help you complete your works.
Founded in 1997, Sipex Company focuses from the beginning on the distribution market of products for interior design and construction finishes, having a large market coverage and distribution capacity – supported by logistics centers, own car park, coloring laboratories, specialist consultancy )
We create a bridge between the manufacturers of construction materials and the companies that implement the products and complete solutions offered by them.
In addition to the distribution activity, we offer professional information and technical consultancy addressed to both specialists and customers
We have the ability to represent and promote the products of a new supplier on the Romanian market, both on the commercial and technical side, as well as in terms of logistics and distribution.